
Triptych #3

GURU web Heirloom 2020 Skinny Milk 2019 Hollow Hand Winter Gardens 2019 RADIDAS 2019 Bloom 2019 Emma Gatrill 2018 A Lily 2018

Triptych 2019

Triptych 2019 consisted of three different 8″ lathe cut vinyl, dedicated to each night of the shows in January 2019 at The Hope & Ruin, Brighton, limited to 20 copies each.

Triptych #1
Bloom – Ground
A Lily – Ngozi
Emma Gatrill – Two Wooden Spoons (This Is The Kit cover) Triptych #2
Heirloom – Speak In Tongues
GURU – Consumer Helpline
SKiNNY MiLK – ALRiGHT Triptych #3
Hollow Hand – All In A Dream
Winter Gardens – Tapestry
RADIDAS – Miles Per Yeah

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